of approaching God?
- Make sure you are seeing the REAL character of God --
and are not stuck trapped in the convenient stereotypes thrown around.
This presentation will show some of the aspects of God you probably have never heard of, but which
you will wish you had known about much earlier...
VIDEO: 54:10, 201MB, 960x720;
Slides: 59 slides PDF, 540K;
Syllabus: 20 pages PDF, 291K.
- This is "a" God WORTH approaching ...Beyond our hopes and better than our expectations.
A data-rich presentation:
VIDEO: 1:27, 967MB, 1862x1080);
Slides: 27 slides PDF, 256K.
"Does God fit in our modern world -- and in MY modern world specifically?!"
A presentation, explanation, and mini-argument
for the faith
(above in French)
(above in Spanish)
When you are ready for that first step toward God...
Faith is simpler than it looks...
My personal story and experience
What is a Christian?
Another (smaller) explanation of God's overture
and offer to us...
The Christian Worldview
Thumbnails - small explanations of Christian
The Christian Experience
Series, Syllabi, and Larger Studies
Philosophical/Theological Topics
Special Issues
The Case of Little Glenn - A Fictional illustration/semi-parable
of (possible) penal substitution dynamics [excerpted from a larger article.]
Check your Awareness and Honesty. Truth makes demands upon our honestly and humility,
in a social climate that sometimes seems to be de-emphasizing those... (sigh).
Do a self-assessment of YOUR understanding and attitude, using this document I developed for
a bright young adult I had been working closely with for several years,
relative to their cognitive acceptance of 'my' claims about the good-hearted God. Only in PDF so far:
Then, Check your Claims to Credibility. Do a self-check on where you stand on the Objections List,
and to what extent you might be 'entitled' to your position (LOL).
[E.g. How much research and fact-checking did you do? How grounded in reason and/or evidence is your opinion?]... fun, fun, fun ...
Of Interest to Followers of
Other Religions