Looking at the Linguistic Wall...

I decided to break these sections up, and number the pages, to facilitate reader feedback, as well as my OWN 'pushback' and debate with these points...

Musings One--Physical and Metaphysical "Primitives"
Implications - Set One: Precision and the Epistemic "Bubble"
Implications - Set Two: Patterns and Argument
Implications - Set Three: The Priority of Patterns over Elements
Implications--Set Four: Personality as the Basal Interpretive Paradigm
Implications--Set Five: implications for 'apologetic method'
Excursus--Did I just switch from a correspondence theory of truth to a coherence theory of truth?
Implications-- Set Six: Summary
Implications--Set Seven: the 'codedness' of revelation
Breakpoint -- What I am NOT saying...
Musings Two--"Peripheral Linguistic Absolutes"
Kinds, Postmodernism, and the Absolutes of Dissonance...
On the Loci of Freedom...

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