The Mailbag...

(hmmm...would that be eMailbag or Mailebag? or Malbag (if the letter is bad)...or Mailbog (if I can't get through it easily)...or Balrog...oops, Tolkien-slip

Mail items and responses...

Aug 2012-----------------------------------------------------

Finally added some more sweet-hearted, deep-insighted, honesty-revealing feedback letters, from the past seven years...

May 2009-----------------------------------------------------

I tried to offer some suggestions to a Divinity student in a 'liberal' seminary.

Oct 2008-----------------------------------------------------

I tried to offer some suggestions on a question about heart-to-heart relationships with God

Sep 2007-----------------------------------------------------

Added a somewhat longwinded reply to the question "What does being a Christian mean to me?" (and I am sure I misunderstood the question...sigh).

Mar 2007-----------------------------------------------------

Added a sweet letter exchange I had with someone who thought they had sinned 'greater and more intensely' than God's forgiveness would care to handle (smile)...

Sept 2006-----------------------------------------------------

December 24/2005-----------------------------------------------------------------

Just posted a few short replies to 'smaller' questions(?):

December 23/2005------------------------------------------------------------------------------


April 17/2004---------------------------------------------------------------------

April 12/2004---------------------------------------------------------------------


September 09/2003---------------------------------------------------------------------

Two email exchanges--with rather deep and/or disturbing and/or sweet content...with good and honest hearts:

July 20/2003-------------------------------------------------------------------------


A few, very-short, non-apologetics questions:

  1. How can I hold up under deep treachery in my work and social situation?

  2. A problem with guilt over using "secular" counselors and neuroactive medication

  3. A question about 'after-effects' after being rescued by God from demonic-oriented cults

  4. Do I have to obey my husband when he commands me to sin?

  5. A question from a teenager, being hassled for not knowing the 'lingo'…

More sweet-hearted feedback letters ( and of course, with a sprinkling of 'less than enthralled' readers (smile)

An ethical defense for my light-bulb jokes (May 2002)

More sweet-hearted feedback letters (Feb 2002)

A letter to someone growing 'tired of sinning'







[ .... mailbag.html ........  ]

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