Audio Commentary on the Visual Bible - Acts DVD

[Series began summer of 2010 | Posting of audio began August 2010 | Posting finished Aug 7, 2011]
I taught (remotely, over the web, from Mississippi to Palo Alto CA) a verse-by-vers class on the Book of Acts. Below is the description that was in the flyer:

Commentary of the Book of Acts in Video.

"This course consists of a running commentary on a theatrical production of the book of Acts. Glenn and the audience watch the DVD together, with Glenn frequently pausing the video to explain points of history, theology, cultural background, and scriptural context – as well as the impact the biblical text had on the audience in each scene. Glenn is present with us via Skype video, and is remotely controlling the DVD player in the room."

The sessions were hosted in Palo Alto by the gracious Bob and Susan Iannucci.

We are recording the audio--both my comments and that of the video--and are making edited versions of them available here at the ThinkTank.

Due to copyright restrictions (all legitimate, IMHO), we cannot reproduce the video here, so some of my comments about something 'visual' in the scene will not make sense to the audio-only listeners. But most of my comments will not require the visual element to be understandable (assuming they are understandable at all!!!), so I think this is worth doing.

Each session was around 90 minutes long, so the mp3 files are large.

Also due to copyright restrictions, I cannot reproduce the DVD narration of the NIV translation of the scriptures in its entirety. Copyrights for bible translations generally prohibit reproduction of 'an entire book' of the bible, and since this series covers the book of the Book of Acts in its entirety (even though no single mp3 file does--and that probably would exempt us from being in violation), I have edited the DVD audio at a few points, replacing the NIV translation of a passage with some other translation (e.g. ESV, NASB, etc). So, the switch in voice from the DVD narrator's 'professional sounding voice' to the 'less appealing and more confusing' voice of myself is done for that reason.

I will be 'quickening' (smile) the links below as I finish the edits/posting to the website.

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